Julia Zelg & Eileen de Freest
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Julia Zelg & Eileen de Freest

The marriage between twenty-nine year old social influencer Julia Zelg and Eileen de Freest (sixty-six) is going through challenges. Julia admitted that after four years of marriage the two have run into differences caused by the thirty-seven year age gap. The development has forced them to agree to start dating independent partners outside their relationship…

Alissa McCommon has been Arrested
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Alissa McCommon has been Arrested

Tennessee Grade 4 teacher Alissa McCommon has been arrested for allegedly raping a 12-year-old boy and trying to lure others into her web. Cops say McCommon, 38, was arrested outside her home by the Covington Police Department. She is accused of sexually assaulting her young former student inside her home in 2021. She allegedly admitted…

“Situationships” Breakup
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“Situationships” Breakup

As the lines between casual hookups and long-term commitment become increasingly blurry, new data shows that more hearts are being broken as the result of situationships — romantic relationships that lack a clear definition or commitment — than committed relationships. Last week, eharmony released their annual Dating Diaries report which revealed that more than three-quarters…

Teenage Sexual Intercourse
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Teenage Sexual Intercourse

High school students are having less sexual intercourse. That’s what the studies say. But that doesn’t mean they’re having less sex. The language of young love and lust, and the actions behind it, are evolving. And the shift is not being adequately captured in national studies, experts say. For years, studies have shown a decline…

Have Not Had Sex
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Have Not Had Sex

What can make two healthy twenty-somethings turn to a sex therapist because, despite their desire, they have not had sex in months? What strange cosmic force impedes them from wearing out their mattresses? The answer is probably in the mind: in mistaken beliefs and ideologies that become chastity belts. Religions have demonized sex, pleasure and…

Grey Affairs
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Grey Affairs

As we celebrate Women’s History Month, it turns out that women are having grey affairs and are more sexually liberated than ever before – and that, perhaps surprisingly, older women are leading the revolution. New York-based author and relationship expert Susan Shapiro Barash has been researching extramarital affairs for more than three decades, releasing a…

Why Wives Cheat
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Why Wives Cheat

Let’s talk about why wives cheat. We’ve all seen people cheating on social media and heard the gossip around the neighborhood — the stereotypical cheating husband, philandering with other women, while the emotionally neglected wife cries at home. Well, what happens when these roles are reversed? Is there a reason why some wives cheat on…

Hiding the Affair
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Hiding the Affair

Infidelity in romantic relationships is surprisingly common as is hiding the affair. Within the last year alone, 2-4% of partners in highly-committed relationships had an affair, and across the lifetime, about a quarter of marriages include infidelity (as discussed in Fincham & May, 2017). Would you know if your partner was unfaithful? Unfaithful partners take…

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Women like me who have been cheated on, get a shiver of pain down our spines even years after the affair, the betrayal. The lies, the little clues to his infidelity we only ever saw looking back, the suspicion, the gaslighting, the shame, but most of all the self-recrimination.  Yes, the eternal questions — how…

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One of the first instances of ghosting I can recall took place in the early 2010s. A friend had gone on a few great dates with a boy she met on Tinder, after which they exchanged a steady stream of communication. Soon, her messages were met with long silences, “yep,” or “lol.” We speculated on…

Women Are Less Interested in Sex Than Men
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Women Are Less Interested in Sex Than Men

On average, women are less interested in sex than men. This is a  consistent finding in psychology. Women express lower sexual desire, want fewer lifetime sex partners, and are less open to casual sex compared to men. The reason for this gender difference in sexuality constitutes one of the great debates in psychology. Nature Versus…

Types of Romantic Relationships
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Types of Romantic Relationships

Five types of romantic relationships serve to categorize most romantic unions. When you look back at your relationship history, you may have what feels like a wide range of different experiences. Some romances are short. Some are boring. Some are defined by strong attraction and big conflicts. Some are warm and stable. All of these…

Love Triangles
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Love Triangles

Love triangles are complicated dating scenarios where there’s love in the air, but there are more than two people secretly involved. When love is mutual and shared between two people, everything is perfect, simple, and easy. BUT …. Have you ever been in love with someone who’s already in love with someone else? Or are…

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Non-monogamy is an umbrella term that covers a wide range of non-traditional relationship styles – all the way from “monogamish” to polyamory, relationship anarchy and everything in between. It isn’t superior to monogamy, or necessarily practiced by people who are more enlightened or well-rounded. It’s just a different way of approaching love and romance, that…

Breakup Sex
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Breakup Sex

You’ve broken up and it’s time to say goodbye for good. Should you have breakup sex one last time, for old times’ sake? Here’s how to decide if it’s okay. You’ve broken up, but sometimes, that doesn’t stop you from staring at your hot ex, and imagining one last romp in the sack. Is it…

Lessons from Open Relationship
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Lessons from Open Relationship

Whenever I hear someone openly admit they are in an open relationship or marriage, they are met with accusations of cheating or not being in a “real” relationship. Their relationships are not taken seriously, and sometimes even laughed or scoffed at.   But actually, open and poly relationships can be some of the healthiest and most…