Sex Addict
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Sex Addict

A reformed sex addict who slept with more than 700 men has started her own healing bootcamps where she teaches self-esteem and how to establish healthy, respectful relationships. Belinda Rygier, a former contestant on The Bachelor, said her wild lifestyle put a strain on her friendships because she would ditch her mates on nights out…

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There are tons of reasons to add a little cannabis into your sex life, even if you’ve never considered touching the stuff otherwise. And if you’ve never considered letting cannabis touch you—no vaping, smoking, or ingesting required—you’ll also want to hear about the wide range of weed-infused topical products that might give your bedroom routine…

Have Not Had Sex
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Have Not Had Sex

What can make two healthy twenty-somethings turn to a sex therapist because, despite their desire, they have not had sex in months? What strange cosmic force impedes them from wearing out their mattresses? The answer is probably in the mind: in mistaken beliefs and ideologies that become chastity belts. Religions have demonized sex, pleasure and…

Why Wives Cheat
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Why Wives Cheat

Let’s talk about why wives cheat. We’ve all seen people cheating on social media and heard the gossip around the neighborhood — the stereotypical cheating husband, philandering with other women, while the emotionally neglected wife cries at home. Well, what happens when these roles are reversed? Is there a reason why some wives cheat on…

Women Are Less Interested in Sex Than Men
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Women Are Less Interested in Sex Than Men

On average, women are less interested in sex than men. This is a  consistent finding in psychology. Women express lower sexual desire, want fewer lifetime sex partners, and are less open to casual sex compared to men. The reason for this gender difference in sexuality constitutes one of the great debates in psychology. Nature Versus…

Love Triangles
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Love Triangles

Love triangles are complicated dating scenarios where there’s love in the air, but there are more than two people secretly involved. When love is mutual and shared between two people, everything is perfect, simple, and easy. BUT …. Have you ever been in love with someone who’s already in love with someone else? Or are…

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Aphrodisiacs can provide a boost if you ever feel like you’re expected to want to have sex on demand? As though you’re supposed to have a high sex drive and be ready to go as soon as someone suggests it? The reality of life is rather different. Stress, tiredness, and simply not being in the…

Breakup Sex
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Breakup Sex

You’ve broken up and it’s time to say goodbye for good. Should you have breakup sex one last time, for old times’ sake? Here’s how to decide if it’s okay. You’ve broken up, but sometimes, that doesn’t stop you from staring at your hot ex, and imagining one last romp in the sack. Is it…

Differences in Sexual Desire
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Differences in Sexual Desire

Differences in sexual desire can be highly problematic. Romantic relationships are distinguished from all others in that they are fundamentally sexual in nature. Furthermore, the vast majority of people expect their intimate relationship to be sexually exclusive. And yet, people differ widely in terms of how much sex they want, so it’s not surprising that…

Sexual Wellbeing
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Sexual Wellbeing

Other than sexual wellbeing, there are few booming industries due to the Covid-19 pandemic. With the economic downturn looming and unemployment rates soaring, many of us have tightened our spending over the past few months. However, green shoots are appearing in one field: global sex technology.  Lockdowns and social distancing have catalysed demand for erotica…