“Situationships” Breakup
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“Situationships” Breakup

As the lines between casual hookups and long-term commitment become increasingly blurry, new data shows that more hearts are being broken as the result of situationships — romantic relationships that lack a clear definition or commitment — than committed relationships. Last week, eharmony released their annual Dating Diaries report which revealed that more than three-quarters…

She Wants More
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She Wants More

As the podcast She Wants More suggests, affairs are in the air these days. Or so it seems to Jo Piazza, who feels like she’s been hearing more and more female friends opening up about their extramarital adventures in everyday conversation. “I mean, I’m hearing about it at school drop-offs and on the playground,” she…

Sex Addict
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Sex Addict

A reformed sex addict who slept with more than 700 men has started her own healing bootcamps where she teaches self-esteem and how to establish healthy, respectful relationships. Belinda Rygier, a former contestant on The Bachelor, said her wild lifestyle put a strain on her friendships because she would ditch her mates on nights out…

Teenage Sexual Intercourse
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Teenage Sexual Intercourse

High school students are having less sexual intercourse. That’s what the studies say. But that doesn’t mean they’re having less sex. The language of young love and lust, and the actions behind it, are evolving. And the shift is not being adequately captured in national studies, experts say. For years, studies have shown a decline…

Grey Affairs
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Grey Affairs

As we celebrate Women’s History Month, it turns out that women are having grey affairs and are more sexually liberated than ever before – and that, perhaps surprisingly, older women are leading the revolution. New York-based author and relationship expert Susan Shapiro Barash has been researching extramarital affairs for more than three decades, releasing a…

Why Wives Cheat
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Why Wives Cheat

Let’s talk about why wives cheat. We’ve all seen people cheating on social media and heard the gossip around the neighborhood — the stereotypical cheating husband, philandering with other women, while the emotionally neglected wife cries at home. Well, what happens when these roles are reversed? Is there a reason why some wives cheat on…

Love Triangles
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Love Triangles

Love triangles are complicated dating scenarios where there’s love in the air, but there are more than two people secretly involved. When love is mutual and shared between two people, everything is perfect, simple, and easy. BUT …. Have you ever been in love with someone who’s already in love with someone else? Or are…

Breakup Sex
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Breakup Sex

You’ve broken up and it’s time to say goodbye for good. Should you have breakup sex one last time, for old times’ sake? Here’s how to decide if it’s okay. You’ve broken up, but sometimes, that doesn’t stop you from staring at your hot ex, and imagining one last romp in the sack. Is it…

Dating Apps Disappoint
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Dating Apps Disappoint

Do dating apps disappoint? When Treena Orchard, author and associate professor at Western University in London, Ontario started using online dating apps in her 40s, she noticed something very peculiar. Her experiences – the endless back and forth messaging, persistent sexual harassment, pushy requests for nudes and routine ghosting – were all eerily similar to…

Some Swinging Guidelines

Some Swinging Guidelines

Although the majority of swinging will end up involving lovemaking and getting frisky with each other’s partners, some swinging guidelines suggest that it isn’t all about fresh flesh. Swinging is about building up the atmosphere of warmth and belonging. Whether you are at a party with another couple or with another person for a threesome,…

Having Casual Anonymous Sex
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Having Casual Anonymous Sex

Those who prefer casual anonymous sex to repeated-partner play have likely, at some point in their sexual journey, contended with the wrath of slut-shaming culture. But for some, the preference for emotion-free sex is more than a celebration of sexuality and bodily autonomy; it’s a sexual orientation. Behold: fraysexuality. “’Fraysexual’ is a term that describes…

Lessons from Open Relationship
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Lessons from Open Relationship

Whenever I hear someone openly admit they are in an open relationship or marriage, they are met with accusations of cheating or not being in a “real” relationship. Their relationships are not taken seriously, and sometimes even laughed or scoffed at.   But actually, open and poly relationships can be some of the healthiest and most…

University of South Florida Scandal
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University of South Florida Scandal

Things started to go downhill fast at the University of South Florida when, after some passionate vigorous bouts of much repeated weekend sex, Dr. Marc Santos, @Oisin16, gave his student, Stephanie Phillips, @Steph_Smash, the nickname “Goldie.” The year was 2015. I was in my first year of the English MA program at the University of…

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Practicing Ethical Non-Monogamy (2)

Ethical non-monogamy vs. Polyamory. Polyamory is one form of practicing ethical non-monogamy, which is an umbrella term that encompasses many other types of relationships. Swinging, casual sex, open relationships, and polyamory are all forms of ethical non-monogamy, and there are many others. Polyamory refers to having multiple romantic partners at once, which not all ethically…

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Practicing Ethical Non-Monogamy (1)

There are two ways of practicing non-monogamy: the nonconsensual kind, which is also known as cheating, and the consensual kind, which is known as consensual or ethical non-monogamy. This latter kind has risen in popularity dramatically in recent years. One 2017 study found 1 in 5 people has been in some form of ethically non-monogamous relationship before. Here’s what this type…

Parsing “Passes” and “Pings”
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Parsing “Passes” and “Pings”

In order to survive and thrive normally, humans need nourishment (food and drink), sleep, sexual release, and social interaction. Take away a certain measure of any one of these (Humans can and do manage without shelter.) and the result is a damaged or flawed human. Sexual behavior is revealed by parsing passes and pings. No…