Maxwell Has Been Transferred
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Maxwell Has Been Transferred

Convicted sex trafficker and all-around bad girl Ghislaine Maxwell has been transferred to the sprawling low security Tallahassee Federal Correctional Institution in Florida, according to the Federal Board of Prisons database. The facility, which features a tony brick entrance with white pillars and a lush green sports field, is where other famous criminals like Russian…

Ghislaine Maxwell’s Demise
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Ghislaine Maxwell’s Demise

Ghislaine Maxwell’s demise is fast approaching. Her multiple sex trafficking convictions translate into meaning that too many powerful parties need her gone. Even a partial list of those desiring that she leave the planet ASAP reads as compelling and frightening: Donald J. Trump, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Bill Gates, Rudy Giuliani, Alan Dershowitz, and Queen…

Peter Nygård: Canada’s Jeffrey Epstein
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Peter Nygård: Canada’s Jeffrey Epstein

While desperately seeking bail at this very moment, Peter Nygård the sexual predator, is in a Canadian jail awaiting extradition to the USA for heinous sexual crimes. Peter Nygård, the sexual predator, is a confirmed male slut. Canada’s answer to Gianni Versace, Christian Dior, Oscar de la Renta, or Karl Lagerfeld, is nothing more than…