NXIVM Sex Cult Brander
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NXIVM Sex Cult Brander

The NXIVM sex cult brander, a doctor who scorched Keith Raniere’s initials into the skin of his female followers, claims she has no regrets and believes the sex cult Svengali is “brilliant.”

In an exclusive interview with the New York Post , ex-Dr. Danielle Roberts pulls back the curtains on the cult’s female elite inner circle known as Dominus Obsequious Sororium (DOS)

“I think Keith is a brilliant man and that DOS is a tremendous organization,” the NXIVM sex cult brander told the tabloid.

Raniere started NXIVM in upstate New York as a sort-of self-help group mostly for women that included young starlets like Smallville’s Allison Mack and other aspiring actresses. Before being exposed (and jailed) Raniere had socialites like Clare Bronfman, heiress to the Seagram’s liquor empire, under his crippling spell.

But behind the curtain, Raniere was having sex with members of his so-called secret society.

And if they didn’t toe the line, their darkest secrets would be publicly exposed.

Roberts, 40, said that between January and May 2017, she used a cauterizing tool to brand 18 fellow sex cult members who would lie naked as part of an initiation ritual.

Just below the bikini line, she branded them ‘KR.’

Survivors have called the practice “sadistic,” but not Roberts.

“It was beautiful,” she told The Post .

“It was about trust. They would come in … and give me a hug. It was a very meaningful initiation ceremony.”

Danielle Roberts also has Raniere’s initials burned into her skin.

Raniere, 61, is serving a 120-year prison sentence after he was convicted of sex-trafficking and other crimes in New York City. Other high-fliers such as Clare Bronfman - sentenced to eight years - were also jailed.

Her involvement has cost the former osteopath, Roberts, dearly. She has been stripped of her medical license.

She revealed that typically during the ceremony, there would be four naked women in the room with the exception of herself and the “master,” often Allison Mack. The others were there to hold the brandee down.

Former member, Canadian actress Sarah Edmondson, has been outspoken about NXIVM but Roberts has slammed her complaints as a “fear campaign,” particularly regarding the branding rite.

Roberts said: “I have the video of Sarah [being branded] … She was so moved at the end that she kissed her teacher Lauren (Salzman, who avoided jail time by testifying against Raniere.) Tears came down her eyes.”

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