Meghan Markle's Orgasms
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Megan Markle’s Orgasms

Megan Markle's orgasms are thunderous toe-curling events. That’s why a significant number of the stiff-upper-lip royals, especially the women, don’t like her. In my view, although those ‘pesky’ orgasms, Meghan Markle's orgasms, are satisfying to her and relished by Prince Harry, those “little deaths” are scorned by the royal family: thus, Meghan is equally scorned. This is the source of the royal family disliking her, resulting in them having marginalized her. And this is why I am confident about my statement suggesting that Meghan Markle's orgasms make them all shudder.

Sex therapists (i.e. Betty Dodson) and almost every study (i.e. The Kinsey Institute, Masters & Johnson, etc.) confirm that as many as two-thirds of First World women continue to have difficulties with their orgasms. Look at the obvious. Can you imagine stiff-upper-lip Kate Middleton, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, crunching up her face, toes curling, while screaming … “Fuck, fuck, … I’m coming.” No sirree. Absolutely not! No matter how hard I try I can’t envision that, ever.

Face the facts. Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, is no one’s fool. Harry knows that the most desirable female partner a man can attach to is the woman who responds best to his ardent passion (his dick). Harry had his pick of the litter. He could have had any young woman, not just in the United Kingdom, but in all the British Commonwealth. Yet he chose a B-level divorced actress who started her career in Toronto, Canada.

Yes, it is true. Pussy Power (PITA) is likely at work in their relationship; it might even constitute the heart and soul of their relationship. But that doesn’t mean that their relationship, Megan’s and Harry’s, isn’t genuine or loving. I believe that the best of relationships are powered by pussy power -- in this case the pussy power demonstrated by Meghan Markle's orgasms.

Think of another royal who was marginalized and ostracized by the royal family. Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowden, had to get away from those creepy people before she could let go and explore her pussy’s full potential. That’s why Margaret moved to the Caribbean island of Mustique and engaged in her freaky multiple partner sex explorations for many years after her marriage to Antony Armstrong-Jones collapsed. See the 2008 Hollywood movie, The Bank Job, for full details on Princess Margaret’s explorations into three-way sex and spit-roasting.

Think of Sarah Ferguson. Duchess of York, another royal female family member with a well-functioning vagina. Her husband, Prince Andrew, Duke of York, just couldn’t keep up with her urgent sexual needs, so Sarah looked elsewhere. And we all know just what a wimp Prince Andrew really is: associating with the heinous Jeffrey Epstein just so he could get his hands on some fresh female flesh - simply disgusting.

So why are we talking about this? How did this all come to be?


As shocking and revealing as it was, the recent Oprah Winfrey interview with Harry and Meghan has now been billed as the worst crisis the House of Windsor has faced in 85 years. The Crown will, as always, weather this and as always, come out on top. Ever wonder why? Look to the British parliament. There are two houses of parliament. The lower house, the House of Commons, which is elected. And the Upper House, the House of Lords, which is not elected, but hereditary. So, what does that mean?

Say, roughly 500 years ago, you had an ancestor at the court of King James I. The King took a fancy to your new pretty young wife. In the blink of an eye you, the husband, offer your new young wife to the King who in turn enjoys her until she makes the big mistake of getting pregnant. (Back then it was always the womans’ fault.) The KIng returns the wife with his bastard child in her belly. As a way of showing gratitude for the pleasure of enjoying your wife, and as a big thank-you for raising the Kings’ bastard child and passing it off as yours, “I’m going to give you a big title, ‘Duke’, and I’m going to give you a hereditary seat in the House of Lords, so you and your family will have power, lots of land, and lots of money till the end of time.”

And: thus was born the British aristocracy.

Remember that the British aristocracy owns most of the land in the United Kingdom. They are loath to part with one square foot. When you purchase a flat (condo, co-op, apartment) in central London you are buying a lease. You can sell based on how much time is left on the lease but when the lease expires (Leases run for 99 years.), the flat returns to the aristocratic family who will then re-lease it. Get rid of the crown and it won’t be long before this system of hereditary seats in the House of Lords will be called into question. Therefore, the House of Lords clearly has a vested interest in keeping the House of Windsor (Queen Elizabeth’s lineage) intact, on the throne.

Such shameless power and wealth - just because your ancestor had it off with the King.

Next Post: Cuck Cake Caroline Guiliani

FACTOID: The term “masochism” originated after the publication of Venus in Furs, by author Leopold Baron von Sacher-Masoch (1836 - 1905), the first of many novels he wrote depicting sexual pleasure derived from female domination and the infliction of pain.

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