“Situationships” Breakup
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“Situationships” Breakup

As the lines between casual hookups and long-term commitment become increasingly blurry, new data shows that more hearts are being broken as the result of situationships — romantic relationships that lack a clear definition or commitment — than committed relationships. Last week, eharmony released their annual Dating Diaries report which revealed that more than three-quarters…

She Wants More
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She Wants More

As the podcast She Wants More suggests, affairs are in the air these days. Or so it seems to Jo Piazza, who feels like she’s been hearing more and more female friends opening up about their extramarital adventures in everyday conversation. “I mean, I’m hearing about it at school drop-offs and on the playground,” she…

Grey Affairs
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Grey Affairs

As we celebrate Women’s History Month, it turns out that women are having grey affairs and are more sexually liberated than ever before – and that, perhaps surprisingly, older women are leading the revolution. New York-based author and relationship expert Susan Shapiro Barash has been researching extramarital affairs for more than three decades, releasing a…

Why Wives Cheat
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Why Wives Cheat

Let’s talk about why wives cheat. We’ve all seen people cheating on social media and heard the gossip around the neighborhood — the stereotypical cheating husband, philandering with other women, while the emotionally neglected wife cries at home. Well, what happens when these roles are reversed? Is there a reason why some wives cheat on…

Hiding the Affair
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Hiding the Affair

Infidelity in romantic relationships is surprisingly common as is hiding the affair. Within the last year alone, 2-4% of partners in highly-committed relationships had an affair, and across the lifetime, about a quarter of marriages include infidelity (as discussed in Fincham & May, 2017). Would you know if your partner was unfaithful? Unfaithful partners take…

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Women like me who have been cheated on, get a shiver of pain down our spines even years after the affair, the betrayal. The lies, the little clues to his infidelity we only ever saw looking back, the suspicion, the gaslighting, the shame, but most of all the self-recrimination.  Yes, the eternal questions — how…

Arnold Schwarzenegger
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Arnold Schwarzenegger

The titles and victories that Arnold Schwarzenegger achieved during his bodybuilding career are immaculate. He was the benchmark for the rest to achieve greatness. But, one shouldn’t keep him on top of relationship goals. Although he became a successful investor, a terrific action-hero movie star, and an able governor, relationships seem to not be his…

The Married Man I’m Having An Affair With Ghosted Me
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The Married Man I’m Having An Affair With Ghosted Me

Having an affair with a married man is full of highs and lows, agony and ecstasy, and some days you may wonder if it’s all worth it. If you are reading this article because a married man ghosted you, it can feel devastating. And now here you are, in the deepest of lows, wondering what…

Prince William’s Roving Eye
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Prince William’s Roving Eye

In spite of Prince William’s roving eye, Prince William and Duchess Catherine have been described by those closest to them as the “perfect couple” with a “solid relationship”. “There is no jealousy, no friction, they are happy for each other’s successes,” one friend recently told The Sunday Times. And yet while the Duke and Duchess…

Black Widow: Marjorie Taylor-Greene (2)
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Black Widow: Marjorie Taylor-Greene (2)

Continuing the saga of the naughty Congresswoman…. Chambers, whose grandmother Anne Cox Chambers was the richest person in Georgia until she died last year, bought two gyms in the early 2010s. He really only wanted one in downtown Atlanta, but the previous owner insisted on selling the Alpharetta gym as part of a package. That…