Ghislaine Maxwell's demise
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Ghislaine Maxwell on Blowjobs

Ghislaine Maxwell demonstrated how to give oral sex for Prince Andrew's ex and was "very pally" with Bill Clinton, a new documentary alleges.

Socialite Lady Victoria Hervey, who was once involved with the Duke of York, made the comments in a new documentary called Epstein's Shadow. The documentary is set to air on NBC's new streaming service Peacock on June 24.

In it, Hervey details her relationship with Maxwell and how the accused madam for Jeffrey Epstein always gave off an "air of mystery" and "enjoyed telling dirty jokes."

"Ghislaine always struck me as someone full of life and was always jetting around to somewhere fabulous," Hervey said. "She always had this air of mystery.

"She never gave away too much but she gave away enough you wanted to find out more.

"There was a side [to Maxwell] that enjoyed telling dirty jokes and things like that. She would demonstrate certain things," Hervey went on, before saying the accused madam would "demonstrate how to do a blowjob."

Maxwell is currently awaiting trial on charges related to sex trafficking minors, to which she has pleaded not guilty.

Epstein was found dead in his Manhattan jail cell in 2019 while he was being held on sex trafficking charges.

The new documentary will reportedly also delve into how Maxwell tried to distance herself from Epstein following his release from prison in 2009, after he got a sweetheart plea deal for charges related to having sex with minors.

The doc alleges that Maxwell tried to cozy up to the Clintons in that era.

Hervey reportedly recalls being at a dinner with Maxwell and Bill Clinton and watching them act "very pally" together.

"Ghislaine and Bill just looked very at ease with each other," she said.

Journalist Barry Levine also appears in the film and alleges that Maxwell "really began focusing on cultivating the Clintons to try and forge her own path as an environmental campaigner through her Epstein-financed nonprofit, Terramar.

"Ghislaine was trying to legitimize herself. She was trying to move herself away from the Jeffrey Epstein and [Terramar] was going to be her way out," he said.

The film will also feature interviews with sources close to the criminal case, like former CIA officer John Kiriakou, who predicted that Maxwell will be able to get some sort of plea deal because of her connections to "too many important people."

He also predicted that Maxwell's lawyers will try to paint her as a naive victim, who was under the spell of rich, powerful Epstein while they were dating in the 1990s.

The accused madam is currently being held at a Brooklyn prison.

Her trial was originally set to begin in July, but was pushed until the end of this year after more charges were added.

Ghislaine Maxwell is facing charges for alleged offenses dating between 1994 and 2004. She has attempted multiple times to be granted bail, but has been repeatedly denied over concerns that she is a "flight risk."

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