Open Marriages
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Open Marriages

Five open marriages myths that you must stop believing: 1. Open marriages are all about intimacy More than anything, open marriages are about honesty and communication. Many polyamorous couples, like blogger Jenny Block and her husband, struggled more with secret affairs than with extramarital activity itself. In her article “Open Marriage Is Not A Fad,”…

She Wants More
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She Wants More

As the podcast She Wants More suggests, affairs are in the air these days. Or so it seems to Jo Piazza, who feels like she’s been hearing more and more female friends opening up about their extramarital adventures in everyday conversation. “I mean, I’m hearing about it at school drop-offs and on the playground,” she…

Polyamory Reasoning
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Polyamory Reasoning

Polyamory refers to the desire for and the practice of engaging in consensual, non-monogamous romantic or sexual relationships with multiple partners. A recent paper by Hnatkovicova and Bianchi suggests there are eight motivations for polyamory. These include psychodynamic motivations, the satisfaction of needs not met in a monogamous romantic relationship, and the fulfillment of needs…

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The leader of a small group practicing polygamy on the Arizona-Utah border had taken at least 20 wives, most of them minors, and punished followers who did not treat him as a prophet, newly filed US federal court documents show. The filing provides insight into what investigators have found in a case that first became…

Open Relationships
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Open Relationships

Open Relationships: Various Thoughts by Insiders 1. “My girlfriend and I are non-monogamous. I wish people understood that non-monogamy isn’t something people do because they don’t ‘love their partner enough.’ We chose to have this aspect to our relationship because we’re both people who tend to have feelings for more than one person at a…

Non-Monogamy: Multiple Sexual Partners
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Non-Monogamy: Multiple Sexual Partners

The concept of having multiple sexual partners is nothing new to humanity—just ask the Ancient Greeks who enjoyed notoriously glorious sex lives and “had a desire for anyone and anything.” But when it comes to modern romance, navigating life beyond monogamy can be tricky. This is partly because monogamy in of itself is pretty straightforward:…

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Practicing Ethical Non-Monogamy (2)

Ethical non-monogamy vs. Polyamory. Polyamory is one form of practicing ethical non-monogamy, which is an umbrella term that encompasses many other types of relationships. Swinging, casual sex, open relationships, and polyamory are all forms of ethical non-monogamy, and there are many others. Polyamory refers to having multiple romantic partners at once, which not all ethically…

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Practicing Ethical Non-Monogamy (1)

There are two ways of practicing non-monogamy: the nonconsensual kind, which is also known as cheating, and the consensual kind, which is known as consensual or ethical non-monogamy. This latter kind has risen in popularity dramatically in recent years. One 2017 study found 1 in 5 people has been in some form of ethically non-monogamous relationship before. Here’s what this type…